Founded 1997
A Full-Service Recruiting Firm

Timesheet & Direct Deposit


For your convenience, the timesheet is available for download here as a PDF and as a Word document.

Please remember to have the assignment’s supervisor sign your timesheet before you leave either the last day of the work week or the last day of the assignment, whichever comes first.

Completed and signed timesheets should be faxed to Robin Beckwith by noon the following Monday at (703) 904-1891. In addition, any and all questions or concerns about payment should be directed to Robin at that same phone number.

Please remember that Palmer Staffing Services policy is that you record time daily and accurate to the minute. When totaling a day’s work, and only when totaling a day’s work, round to the nearest quarter hour.

In addition, please remember to check off at the top of the timesheet where you want your payment sent. If you fail to do so, it will automatically be sent to your residence.

Direct Deposit

Additionally, please click here for Palmer’s direct deposit request form.